My very first commercially printed Zine. FANGIRL contains the stories of all of my band shirts and the memories associated with each. Maybe I bought it at a concert, maybe I wore it to a special event - whatever the shirt there is always a story associated with it. Especially when you are a born FANGIRL!
Featuring a foreward by yofootie: the father of the daughterofyofootie*!
*daughterofyofootie is my user name on discogs. I purposefully invented the screenname so that future generations will see my awful music collection and know that my father, yofootie, has a daughter with a very lame taste in music. I am basically on an ongoing quest to embarass him in front of his homies.
Please note: This Zine was printed in 2019 before Ariel Pink and Alexis Marshall had officially outed themselves as jerks. Fuck those guys, and fuck their shirts.
(Price includes VAT)